What do you do after a fun and successful life as an advertising photographer? You let your websites expire into the ethers and shred decades worth of film, CDs, DVDs and hard drives. At least that’s what I did. After 35+ years. I was done. Sold all of my equipment and saved almost nothing of my photography work.
So I flopped around a few years in a retirement fog, devoid of anything creative, save for some iPhone magic. Ha! And then not long ago I came across an old hard drive. After searching for a rare firewire cable I fired it up. What I found were images, poems and a few stories I thought were long gone.
As one thing begets another, I bought myself a Fuji X100V, started sorting through stuff and decided to put together this website. The beauty of this project is I’m not selling anything! And not to be rude, but I don’t care if anyone likes my images, stories or poems…Said no one ever. But I am still going to eat and have a roof over my head at the end of the day. It’s a freeing experience to know my work has no scrutiny for pay. However, I do appreciate you wasting a few minutes here and I hope you find some inspiration to take on your own fun project.