"Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography."
- George Eastman
Herein lies a collection of some images I made during my career as an advertising photographer in Austin, Texas. I had the desire and good fortune NOT to be a specialist. I loved shooting in studio, but I also loved shooting architecture, golf courses, corporate stuff, and people on location. I was really happy shooting most things, except weddings, at which I stunk.
I guess I should say I am lucky to have found these images to share after deleting/tossing most of my work. They are a fair representation of a fun photography career. I was never the best or most technically adept, but I was always fair and treated my clients with respect. After all, they were feeding my children.
I must say I rode the perfect photography wave. I went from processing film to high-end digital. When day rates went from $300 a day to $3000 a day, and sometimes more. But I was most brilliant to end my career just as everyone had become a photographer overnight.